tirsdag 15. juli 2014

Nyter sommeren - Enjoying the summer

Fyller flaska halvt med vann og fryser over natta, 
fyller opp med vann dagen etter og det holder seg kaldt lenge.

I fill my bottle 50% with water, put in the freezer over night.
The next day fill up with water and it keeps cool for a long time.

Kroken min igår med oregano og timian bak meg,
det lukter pizza lang vei :o)

My place in the afternoon.
Oregano and thyme in the background, smells like pizza :o)

Min datter har plukket blomster til meg.
My daughter has picked flowers.

Naboens ponny stod i hagen min da jeg skulle gå ut.
Sånn er det å bo på en gård.

This is life at a farm, the neighbours ponny was in my yard.

Det vokser og jeg tenker på hvilken avslutning det skal få.

This project is growing and I am thinking about what kind of edging it needs.

Jeg har lett i mine oppskrifter og velger nok Dada's kant.
Tror det blir lekkert.

I 've been looking in my collection of patterns and I ended up
with this one from Dada's place.
I think it will be perfect for my project.

Ha en flott dag dokker.
Wish you all a perfect day.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Sounds the perfect day !!!!
    Have an other shinny day !

    1. Yes it sure was. Same to you.
      Thank you for visiting.

  2. What a perfect day. The edging for the granny squares is also perfect. I can't wait to see it finished!

    Stay hydrated with that yummy cold Norwegian water! mmmmmm....sounds so good. :-)

    1. Yes it was a perfect day. The edging will be perfect I am sure, not quite sure what it will be yet, but I keep on hooking. Yes we are so lucky that we can drink water from the tap, cold and delicious!
      Thanks for visiting.


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