tirsdag 5. august 2014

Rain or shine

Igår fikk jeg denne fine pakken fra USA.
Jeg og min kjære har i sommer deltatt i en lang bloggkonkurranse hos
Denne vant vi og dette var premien. Tusen takk Astri.

Got this from a Astri in the USA yesterday.
We, me and my hubby, has been participating in a blogcompetition
 at Apple Blossom Dreams this summer.
We won and got this lovely potholder and card. Thank you so much Astri.

Pga den uvanlige varme sommeren, kom dette været over oss igår.
Du kan lese mer om det her i VG og her, Supercelle over Romerrike, RB
Filmet dette fra døra vår da det startet igår.
Denne filmen går mye fortere her enn på tlf min. Er ikke så urolig når jge filmer.
Det tok ikke mange minutter før vi hadde ei elv utenfor.
Heldigvis bor vi nesten på toppen, så alt rant jo nedover.

Due to the strange and very hot weather this summer,
all of this came over us yesterday.
I was filming outside. You can read and see more photos in the links above.

Dette sier vel det meste.
This is the lightnig map.

Yngve Sjøvik i Bodø tok dette bildet i natt av Landegode.

This is from my hometown, Bodø, in the north of Norway.

Uansett vær, må man ha håndareide.
Dette er mange fine kanter til duker, puter og tepper.
Eller som blonder.

Rain or shine, we need our crafts.
This edging can be used on pillows, table cloths or throws.
Or as a lace.

Noen til.
Some more.

Nå mere kaffe, så er vi igang.
Ha en strålandes dag.

Now, some more coffe.
Have a perfect day.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Aw, that's so nice Monica. I hope the colors work for you. ;-)

    What amazing photographs. Goodness! that's quite a storm. We had a storm at the same time!

    Bodø is on our list for our next trip! :-) You'll likely win that contest for sure!

    Ha en fin dag!

    1. Love the colors Astri! Thank you so much.
      We are not used to that kind of a storm, so I was glued to the window ;)
      Wish you all the best on your trip to Bodø, so many nice things to see there.

  2. Wow! amazing pictures of the storm! just stopping by from Annemaries blog, and I'm so glad I did! I blog about my travels and hope you will stop by for a peek at my latest blog about the Faroe Islands!

    1. Thank you so much for visiting. I went over to look at your blog, and I loved it. I will put you on my list on the left.


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