fredag 8. august 2014

Stitch 'n' Bitch - Strikkecafè

En særdeles hyggelig kveld på Strikkecafè i Lillestrøm.
Det blei nok en togtur på meg. Det er aaalt for lenge siden sist.
Kaffe Latte og Gulrotkake smakte veldig bra.

A very nice evening spent at S'n'B in Lillestrøm.
Ages since last time and I enjoyed my Latte and Carrotcake.

10 damer rundt bordet med hvert sitt håndarbeide.
Skravla gikk. Gleder meg til neste gang.

10 ladies around the table with their crafts.
Can't wait untill the nest time.

Mangler du heklekroker?
Jeg selger dette settet for 120 kr inkl porto.

I sell crochet hooks.

Sånn hadde vi det på dagen, unga spilla kort og naboens ponny "klippa gresset"

This is how our day was, the kids playing cards and the neighbours ponny mowing our lawn.

Et lite prosjekt for kvelden?
Denne lille mappa er perfekt for det. 

This little purse is a perfect project for the evening.

God helg dokker.
Have a nice week end.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Love that natural lawn mowing. :-) Goodness, that stitch and bitch looks like fun. I wish we had something like that here. ;-)

    1. We always have fun there. It was started ny an american in 2005/6. Sadly she has moved back to the US.


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