mandag 18. august 2014

Tutorial - Rainbow Square. Steg for seg - Regnbue firkant.

Denne nydelige ruta blei delt på Heklegruppa på Facebook.
Der var det flere som spurte etter diagram eller oppskrift, finnes ikke.
Vel jeg prøvde på diagram, men det er ikke lesbart for andre enn meg,
så da måtte det bli en Steg for steg av denne.
Har aldri sett noe lignende og veit ikke hvem som har laget denne, 
så jeg kan ikke kreditere noen.

This beautiful square was shared on Facebook - Heklegruppa.
Many of the members asked for a pattern or a chart, not to be found.
I did make a chart while crocheting this one, but it stays with me,
you can't read it...
So I had to make a Tutorial then :o)
I have never seen anything like this one, don't know who has made it,
so I can't give credit to anyone.

Yarn/Garn: Gjestdal Bomull sport
Hook/Krok: Clover 3
Size/str : 18x 18 cm

1. 8 lm til en ring. 3 lm ( 1 st) 2sammenheklede staver (smhst), 3 lm. 3 smhst. 8 smhst ut omg.

2. MR or ch 8 and make ring. Ch 3 ( 1 dc) 2 dc cluster, ch 3, 3dc cluster. Make 8 clusters.

2. Beg i lm buen. 1 lm ( 1 fm) 3 st, 1 fm. i samme lm bue. 1fm, 3 st, 1 fm i hver lmbue.

2. Start in the chbow. Ch1 ( sc), 3 dc, 1 sc. in the ch bow. 1 sc, 3 dc, 1 sc in each chbow.

3. begynn mellom fastmaskene. 3 lm ( 1 st), 7 lm, 1 st mellom fm fra forrige omg. ut omg.

3. Start between the sc from last round. Ch3 ( 1dc), ch 7, 1 dc between the sc from last round, continue.

4. Start i lmbuen. 3lm (1st), 3 smhst, 4 lm, 4 smhst i lmbuen, 4 lm, fm i neste lm bue, 
8 lm, 1 fm i lmbuen, 4 lm, 4 smhst i neste lmbue, 4 lm, 4 smhst i lmbuen. Ut omg.

4. Start in the chbow. ch3 (1dc), 3dc cluster, ch4, 4dc cluster in the ch bow. 
Ch4, 1sc, ch8, 1sc, ch4, in the chbow.
4 dc cluster, ch4, 4dc cluster in the next chbow. 

 5. Se bildet blå tråd. Start i lm buen, 6lm, 3 smhst, 3 lm, 3 smhst, 6 lm. i lm buen.
1fm i neste lmbue, 6 st i buen fra forrige omg, 3lm, 6 st i samme lmbue, 1 fm i neste lmbue.

5. Look at the photo blue yarn. Start in the chbow, Ch6, 3dc cluster, ch3, 3dc cluster, ch6 in the next chbow.
1sc in the next chbow, 6dc , ch3, 6 dc in the next chbow, 1 sc on the next. 

6. Se bildet indogo tråd. Start i lm buen, 6 lm, 3smhst, 3 lm, 3 smhst i neste lmbue, 6 lm,
 6 st, 1 st i lm buen, 3lm, 1 st i lmbuen, 6 st.1fm i neste lmbue. gjenta.

6. Look at the photo, indigo yarn, Start in the chbow. Ch6, 3dc cluster, ch3, 
3dc cluster in the next chbow.
Ch6, 1sc in the next chbow. 6 dc, 1dc, ch3, 1 dc in the next chbow, 6 dc, 1 sc. Continue.

7.  Se bildet der kroken er. Beg i lm buen, 3lm ( 1st) , 2 smhst, 4lm, 3 smhst.
3lm, picot, 3lm, 3smhst, 4 lm, 3smhst i lm buen. 10lm. 1fm 3 lm, 1 fm i neste lm bue, 10 lm. Gjenta.
På 4. siden av lappen, avslutt med 7lm og en st som avsl.

7. Look at the photo where the hook is. Start in the chbow.
Ch3 ( 1dc), 2dc cluster, ch4, 3dc cluster, ch3, picot, ch3, 3dc cluster, ch4, 3dc cluster in the chbow.
ch 10. 1sc, ch3, 1 sc in the next chbow. Contine.
On the 4th side of the square end with ch7 + 1 dc. 

8. Du starter oppe i venstre hjørne. 6lm, 1st i lmbuen, 5 lm, 1st i neste lm bue, 9lm, 1 st i neste lm bue,
5lm, 1 st i neste lmbue, 4lm, 1 fm, 5lm, 1 fm, 2 lm i neste lm bue
2fm i neste lmbue. 5lm, 1 fm, 4 lm. Gjenta.

8. You start in the high left corner. Ch6, 1dc in the chbow, ch5, 1 dc in the next chbow,
Ch9, 1dc in the next chbow. Ch5, 1 dc in the next chbow, ch4, 1 sc, ch5, 1 sc, ch2 in the next chbow.
2scin the next ch bow, ch5, 1 sc, ch 4. Continue.

Fest tråder og damp i fasong.

Weave in the ends and iron to shape.

Når du blogger eller legger ut på nettet,
vær snill og link meg i innlegget.

When you blogg or put yours online,
please link me.

Jeg lager disse gratis, men om du ønsker å bidra til mitt arbeide,
 er det en donate knapp oppe til høyre på siden min.

I do this work for free and I enjoy it.
But if you want to donate 1$ for my time,
you can find a donate button on the right side of my page.

Kos dere.

Happy hooking.

8 kommentarer:

  1. This is lovely, thanks for the tutorial!

  2. Wow! Beautiful! thanks for the tutorial! :)

  3. I just LOVE this Rainbow Square Monica! Pinned. I would make a lovely scarf, shawl or afghan.


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