søndag 19. oktober 2014

Sunday ~ Søndag

Rosene jeg fikk 10.10 fra min kjære på vår 5 års bryllupsdag,
står enda finere nu, ei uke etter.

The roses I got from my love on our 5 year anniversary,
are even prettier today.

God frokost en søndags morran.

Sunday breakfast.

Jeg strikker en sukkertøy genser med rundsal.
bolen er ferdig og armer skal påbegynnes.

I am knitting a candy sweather,
the body is done and I am continuing with the arms today.

Denne nydelige duken rekker du før jul.

This beautiful doily will be done in time for Christmas.

Diagram funnet på nett.

Found the photo and chart on line.

Ha en strålandes søndag dokker.

Wish you a perfect day.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hello Monica, Still having trouble catching up with my blog reading!
    Looks like you have been very busy!!!
    I love the look of your candy sweater, it will be nice and cheerful for the winter!!!
    The crochet doily looks pretty complicated, good luck with that!!!
    Have a lovely week!
    Ingrid xx

    1. It is a time for everything, you'll get there.
      Thank you this Candy turned out perfectly. I'll show off tomorrow.
      The crochet doily is not dificult, just take it row by row.


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