onsdag 18. mars 2015

Link up Party :o)

8 kommentarer:

  1. I just discovered your link party today! Thanks for hosting it. I love to see what other crocheters (and knitters, too) are creating. It's such wonderful inspiration.
    ...and I'll be visiting Bergen, Norway in a week, so if you have any travel tips, I'd love to know! Jx

  2. Thank you so much for your visit and for sharing.
    I have never been to Bergen. But I am sure you will have a nice time there.

  3. Takk for at du organiserer dette. NĂ¥ skal jeg sjekke ut linkene som er delt :-)

  4. Wonderful little party! Love all the bright colors in these projects. Missed it again this week but you know what they say, third time is the charm. Will come back again next week!

    1. :) Every week ....
      One week you'll be here in time :)


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