onsdag 1. juli 2015

Link your stuff week 27

Heia alle sammen, endelig tilbake.
Telenor laga bare krøll for oss etter at lynet slo ned her,
så derfor over ei uke borte fra Bloglandia.
Link party fra uke 25 endte sånn:

med sin utrolig flotte Madala tutorial.

har heklet et nydelig utgave av
The Nordic Shawl.

har heklet lapper i en along.

Gratulerer så masse til dere alle
og tusen takk til alle som deltok i uke 25.

Hi there, finally online again.
The internet company Telenor could not do their job
after lightning struck us over a week ago.
I am so happy to be back in Bloglandia.
My Link party in week 25 ended ike this:

with her gorgeous Mandala Tutorial

with her beautiful "The Nordic Shawl"

has made squares in an along.
What will they turn into?

Congratulations to all of you
and thank you all for sharing at my week 25 Link Party.

Hvil i Fred Wink
Hekleverden har mistet en stor stjerne.
Takk for all inspirasjon og gode ord Wink.

RIP Wink
The crochet community has lost a big star.
Thank you for all your inspiration and kind words Wink.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Its nice to see you again in Blogland :-) When we were in Norway last year we had bad weather once, with ligthening... Pretty heavy I must say.
    Greetings from Holland,

    1. Summertime is not what it used to be when I was a child, that is for sure.
      The weather changes all over.

  2. Thank you for another lovely party, and for featuring my crochet along squares! It's going to be a small blanket and I've linked up part 3 this week too!

  3. Dear Monica,
    thank u for your invitation to the link party, but unfortenately I have no new projects finished in the last time! If I have something new to show, I will be glad to share it here at your page =)
    Have a nice & sunny day!

    1. It does not have to be a finished project, you can share a blogpost :)


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