onsdag 8. juli 2015

Link Your Stuff week 28

Tusen takk alle dere som har deltatt på 
Link your stuff i uke 25.
Gratulerer til de 3 som fikk flest klikk.

#1. Chris in de haak med heklede strandhus

#2 . Divine Debries heklet en 
Madala for Wink

#3. De Breimeisjes har heklet skjell.

Thank you so much to all of you
sharing in last week Link Party.
Congratulations to the 3 most clicked links.

#1. Chris in de haak with beachhouses.

#2. Divine Debries with 
a Mandala for Wink 

#3. De Breimeisjes with sea shell.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Thanks again, Monica for the link-up!!! Hope you are keeping well!
    Ingrid xx

  2. Nice: a new link-party! I join :-)
    Greetings from Holland!

  3. Hi, at your invitation I put my tutorial here, byebye Francien


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